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Online submission for NOYCIA 2025 will open in March!

All abstracts will be reviewed by an independent committee, who will select the 10 winners. As a national program, at least one winner will be selected from each of the 5 regions (Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Central Provinces and BC). All applicants will be notified in May.


NOV 24

ASCO Abstract
Submission Opens

Jan 28 EN

ASCO Abstract
Submission Deadline

Feb 25 en

NOYCIA Submissions
Available Online

mar 25 en

ASCO Abstract
sent to First Author

apr 20 en

NOYCIA Abstract
Submission Deadline

may en

First authors notified
of  NOYCIA abstract
selection decision

may 30 en

ASCO Meeting,
NOYCIA Awards Dinner
June 1st